Thursday, February 6, 2025

Once a year update - winter

 Looks like I never updated again. Sometimes I miss blogging. I recently deleted the social media apps from my phone but still want to see what fun things others' are up too. There's still blogs out there it just seems a bit harder to find nowadays with the socials as options. I've been looking around discord which seems to have replace forums too. I'll find my people. Maybe I need to start prioritizing going to guild meetings again! 

Here's some crafty updates. 

Pulled a 8/2 tencel scarf off the loom for my mom's Christmas present. Yes, it's February. Better late than never. :)

Still wet and hanging to dry. 

Also measured out a warp for my next set of towels:

This is just half of the 480 threads, it's two different shades of gray. I'm using a kit from Jane Stafford for huck towels. I have a huck book as well, so I'm going to try to do a bunch of different ones. I accidentally used the charcoal for the warp when I was supposed to use the other grays, but I think I'll make some napkins with that instead. And yes, I ordered more charcoal so I could use it here too. 

I also finished this temari a few months ago. I think it turned out really well. I'm not sure about everyone else, but I cycle through hobbies a lot. 

Speaking of that, I learned to knit and crochet last year. Finished a sweater in January and a scarf in October. And a hat.

I think we sometimes forget that these hobbies take time. And that's the appeal of them, but in a world filled with instant gratification it's hard to remember good things take time. 

Farewell for now, but hopefully it's not an entire year until I post again.


  1. Oh, welcome back! Seems like quite a few long-vanished bloggers are finding their way back to the bloggosphere this year. Your collection of crafts is quite impressive - I too like to cycle through hobbies, but haven't tackled weaving (yet).

    1. Yes, I agree! I've been seeking out new to me blogs recently. I have been finding the socials to not be in-depth enough for me. Nice to say hi again friend!
